Ceramics Studio

At Omega Centre

We offer open access memberships to enable people of all skill levels to use the studio. These open access memberships are tailored to allow intermediate skilled and high-level skilled individuals to operate independently and as part of a broader ceramicist community.

Situated in the building which was originally a Victorian school, the ceramics studio stems back to the buildings’ Arts College days before the contents of the studio were relocated to what is now the University of Portsmouth’s Eldon Building.

The equipment never left the building and was later used as part of Clay Station. The ceramics studio was handed over to The Makers Guild in 2017.

2x Pugging Machines

13KW Front Loading Kiln

Slab Roller

Spray Booth (in storage)


4x Throwing Wheels

2x 7KW Top Loading Kilns

Wedging Area

Slip Mixer